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Project Description.

Don't Fear the Reaper is a project I've been working on for my Creative Media Project for university. 
The short follows two grim reapers, the younger one taking his 'Reaping Test'. 


This section will show my project development.

Character Design.

The elder grim reaper's skull design was based on the old Plague Doctor Masks, with the beak shape, and stitches along the side. This idea came from learning that the origin of the grim reaper was during the Black Plague, as so many people were dying. He is meant to be an intimidating and stoic figure. As an old skull, he is weathered, with cracks in his skull, and a stained colour.


Below is some character design I did for him. 

The young grim reaper is a cute, naive character, who doesn't want to be a grim reaper, due to his love of life. I wanted him to have a normal skull, though I removed his bottom jaw, as it wouldn't move anyway, and it looked a lot sweeter without. 


Below is a small selection of concept art I did for his design.


My Storyboards went through a lot of development. My first storyboards presented both grim reapers as equal main characters. The young reaper was also shown to be more clumsy and inept, rather than not necessarily wanting to kill anybody. My second storyboards show him actively trying to save people. My second storyboards also show the elder reaper as the main character, and we see his character develop throughout the story.

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